Bellevue Real Estate

Bellevue News Local Market Update January 2021 The end of 2020 marked a most unusual year, and the real estate market was no exception. While homes sales usually take a holiday during December, this year saw the continuation of an exceptionally strong and competitive market. New listings, closed sales and home prices all went up. With supply nowhere close to meeting demand, […]
Bellevue News All in, for your safety: Open Houses Return Open Houses are back and we’ve been busy working on preparing our agents with Open House requirement information and Open House best practices moving forward. A few of our agents will be holding Open Houses this weekend and you will see this flyer posted upon entry. All Open House goers will be required to leave […]
Bellevue Real Estate Winter Ready Coat Drive to Benefit Jubilee Reach WBC Agents Anna Grisham, Joe Dahl, Shani Brummer, Tina Terada, KiamaLise Herres and Allyson Green held a Winter Ready coat drive last weekend. Those who dropped off donations picked up an ice cream treat at drop off. The drive was a success! Donations will benefit Jubilee Reach and local families in need. So great to […]
Bellevue News Fall Food Truck Event with Jim Murphy Our Fall Food Truck Event hosted by Jim Murphy of Caliber was a success! Thanks for those who came out and donated to Bellevue LifeSpring. We raised $1,100 for Bellevue kids and their families. Good work for a Tuesday and so nice to see so many masked faces!               […]
Bellevue Real Estate 240 Days: Fink4 World School Love this! After a decade of planning and several revisions to their trip due to Covid restrictions, #wbcagent Clinton Fink and his family are off on a 240 day world adventure. They’re being safe and taking precautions while traveling as expected. Sarah is documenting the trip in a blog and kids Austin and Kate are […]
Bellevue News Local Market Update August 2020 While the pace of daily life may seem slow right now, the local real estate market has had an unusually busy summer. The number of new listings in July was up, sales increased, and home prices followed suit. • While overall inventory is at historic lows, more sellers put their homes on the market. New […]
Bellevue News Updated Housing Forecast July 2020
Bellevue News Gardner Report Western Washington Q2 2020 The following analysis of the Western Washington real estate market is provided by Windermere Real Estate Chief Economist Matthew Gardner. We hope that this information may assist you with making better-informed real estate decisions. For further information about the housing market in your area, please don’t hesitate to contact your Windermere agent.   REGIONAL ECONOMIC […]
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Bellevue News Local Market Update July 2020 While our lives are very different than they were a year ago, the local real estate market has recovered to 2019 levels. Record low interest rates are helping spur demand. Sales were up, home prices increased and multiple offers were common. The number of pending sales, a measure of current demand, was higher in June […]
Bellevue News Local Market Update June 2020 As we move to the next phase of reopening, life feels like it’s slowly inching back towards normal. The same is true in real estate. Statistics on home sales in May provided the first true picture of the effects of COVID-19. Those reports confirmed the incredible strength and stability of the local real estate market. […]
Bellevue News Organizing Your Home     Image Source: Shutterstock When organizing your home, knowing where to start can often be the most difficult part. Breaking the process down room-by-room and keeping the following tips in mind will help you get started and keep your home organized in the long run. Kitchen Given how much time is spent in the […]
Bellevue News A Guide to Mortgage Assistance During COVID-19   For some homeowners who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a high level of concern about paying their mortgage. Fortunately, there are options to aid struggling homeowners from governments, financial institutions, and loan providers. The following information is intended to provide clarity on which financial relief options are available to […]
Bellevue News Black Lives Matter by Elly McKenzie At Windermere Bellevue Commons we support our Black neighbors in Bellevue, King County, and around the country. We stand with them against racism and oppression obvious and insidious, interpersonal and infrastructural. We recognize that we serve a community of agents who serve a diverse population of clients; it is our duty to […]
Bellevue Real Estate Saving in the Laundry Room Image Source: Shutterstock   When it comes to household expenses, staying at home has brought about savings in some areas, while increasing expenses in others. The laundry room has likely seen an uptick in usage, with its associated costs following suit. Save your energy and money by keeping these tips in mind as we continue to […]
Bellevue News Local Market Update May 2020 We hope you are weathering the new normal as best as you can. With everyone spending more time than ever at home, real estate has taken on a whole new importance. For those who are interested, here is a brief update on how COVID-19 continues to affect our local market: Business was better than expected […]
Bellevue News Help Us Raise Funds for our Neighbors in Need Windermere offices have a goal of raising $250,000 for food banks in our community and the Windermere Foundation will match every dollar we raise for our “Neighbors in Need” campaign. The need has never been greater! Let’s all do our part so no one goes hungry. You can help by donating here.
Bellevue News Now More Than Ever, “We’re All in, for you” Staying Connected Through COVID-19. All In, For You. In these times of social distancing, we are finding creative ways to stay connected. We have never been more “All in” for our clients and our communities.
Bellevue News The Costello Team is Making Masks for Health Care Workers     WBC agents, The Costello Team and little Costellos have been making masks for healthcare workers at Evergreen Health. They are being donated during the COVID-19 outbreak to protect, doctors, nursers and other essential staff at Evergreen Health. Thanks for your time and contributions, Costellos. Every little bit helps in fighting this coronavirus.
Bellevue News Local Market Update March 2020 The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has not yet dampened demand in the housing market. Traffic at open houses remains heavy. Buyers who had waited last year for a drop in prices have now seen several months of home prices increases. With demand far outstripping supply and record low interest rates, the market heading into spring looks […]