Bellevue Real Estate Local Market Update – July 2024 As temperatures rise, so has the supply of for-sale homes in our area. Last month, active inventory continued its upward trajectory, which is leading to some summer price stabilization. Every region represented here saw a rise in the number of single-family homes and condos for sale in June. And while median sold prices did increase […]
Bellevue Real Estate Local Market Update – June 2024 The numbers are in, and last month’s real estate sales data in our region told two tales. The first is of a market that has had far more demand than supply, with rising prices and quickening market times reflecting this imbalance. The second tale is of a market attracting the attention of sellers eager to […]
Bellevue Real Estate Local Market Update – May 2024 Our local real estate market is exhibiting seasonal strength, with most areas seeing month-over-month and year-over-year sales gains. Despite continued interest rate increases, which can constrain both buyers and sellers, the number of closed transactions in King and Snohomish counties has risen for three straight months. This suggests that both sides of the table are […]
Book Club Books Set Around the World Welcome to the WBC Book Club, where your favorite Admins & Agents share our favorite books of the moment! From fictional adventures to inspiring true stories, you can find it all right here on the WBC blog. You may notice that the format of our book recs look a little different than most, but that’s […]
Bellevue Real Estate Local Market Update – April 2024 It’s the time of year when for-sale signs typically start popping up like tulips and daffodils. Houses show well in the spring, just as the number of homebuyers peaks and sellers feel more ready to list. While we are seeing the market thaw this spring, challenges remain, especially for buyers. There remain more buyers in […]
Bellevue Real Estate Celebrating Women in Real Estate Happy Women’s History Month! Did you know that women make up 62% of the National Association of Realtors? Since the first woman was admitted to the NAR in 1910, the number of women practicing real estate has continued to grow, leading to a rise in female-led real estate start-ups and an increase in female leadership. […]
Home Buying Real Estate Market Update – February 2024 WBC Designated Broker, Cortney Adams, offers a quick break-down of recent market stats for February 2024. Keep reading to learn more!   The market it is heating up as we head into the Spring!  This is typical as we have seen more properties becoming available and a few more options for would be buyers.  The […]
Bellevue Real Estate Local Market Update – March 2024 Seasonal changes are starting to take shape across the region and the local real estate market is experiencing cautious optimism. As we transition from winter to spring, home and condo sales are increasing, in both units and price. Low inventory means motivated sellers are finding success in about a week’s time, while buyers thread the […]
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Book Club Binge-Worthy Books vs. Mini-Series Welcome to the WBC Book Club, where your favorite Admins & Agents share our favorite books of the moment! From fictional adventures to inspiring true stories, you can find it all right here on the WBC blog. You may notice that the format of our book recs look a little different than most, but that’s […]
Bellevue Real Estate Local Market Update – February 2024 Like some plants and trees, the local real estate market is starting to bloom. Last month, median residential sold prices increased in each of the four geographic areas covered below. That’s welcome news for intending home sellers, who are also benefitting from continued low inventory region-wide. At the same time, local buyers are seeing stabilizing […]
Home Buying Agency Update – Buyer Brokerage Service Agreements Effective January 1, 2024, the statute in Washington that governs real estate brokerage relationships (RCW 18.86) – otherwise known as the “Agency Law” – was significantly revised. The revisions modernize the 25-year-old law, provide additional transparency and consumer protections, and acknowledge the importance of buyer representation. Key Revisions   For years, real estate brokerage firms […]
Bellevue Real Estate Local Market Update – January 2024 Despite moments of snow in Western Washington, the local real estate market is slowly warming, as new opportunities arise for both home buyers and sellers. Lower mortgage rates are welcome news for buyers, and low inventory means sellers are starting the year with minimal competition. King County continues to see residential price gains, with last […]
Bellevue Real Estate Local Market Update – December 2023 As we march steadily into the cooler winter months, the expected seasonal slowdown is upon us. Interest rate increases have continued to influence a quieter-than-usual fall market. Higher mortgage rates reduce buying power, as well as the momentum of move-up buyers and sellers. Fewer sellers mean lower inventory and a reduction in closed sales. Indeed, the […]
Book Club Wonderful Winter Reads Welcome to the WBC Book Club, where your favorite Admins & Agents share our favorite books of the moment! From fictional adventures to inspiring true stories, you can find it all right here on the WBC blog. You may notice that the format of our book recs look a little different than most, but that’s […]
Bellevue Real Estate Local Market Update – November 2023 As we march steadily into the cooler winter months, the expected seasonal slowdown is upon us. Interest rate increases have continued to influence a quieter-than-usual fall market. Higher mortgage rates reduce buying power, as well as the momentum of move-up buyers and sellers. Fewer sellers mean lower inventory and a reduction in closed sales. Indeed, the […]
Book Club Books on Books Welcome to the WBC Book Club, where your favorite Admins & Agents share our favorite books of the moment! From fictional adventures to inspiring true stories, you can find it all right here on the WBC blog. You may notice that the format of our book recs look a little different than most, but that’s […]
Book Club Spooky Season Picks! Welcome to the WBC Book Club, where your favorite Admins & Agents share our favorite books of the moment! From fictional adventures to inspiring true stories, you can find it all right here on the WBC blog. You may notice that the format of our book recs look a little different than most, but that’s […]
Bellevue Real Estate Local Market Update – October 2023 With the fall season finally upon us, the behavior of the housing market is like the range in outdoor temperatures: somewhere between warm to cool. There’s a lower overall volume of home sales than in recent years, but at the same times buyers are moving quickly and assertively on highly desired properties, despite higher interest […]
DIY Preparing Your Home for Fall Weather As summer bleeds into the beautiful colors of fall, many homeowners are beginning to prep their winter-preparedness lists for the months to come. But getting a jump on the season and starting the cold weather turn-down in autumn is not only a smart idea, but a money saving one as well!   Many of the […]
Bellevue Real Estate Local Market Update – September 2023 As summer draws to a close, the local housing market remains somewhat unsettled. This is due to persistently high interest rates that have caused buyers to pause and sellers to hold onto their pandemic-era mortgage rates, as well as low inventory increasing competition for the available listings. Sold home prices in some areas have begun […]