We’re excited to announce that our office is participating in Windermere’s”We’ve Got You Covered” winter drive benefiting YouthCare.
As you all know, Windermere and the Seattle Seahawks have come together to help #tacklehomelessness. For every home game tackle made by the Seahawks, the Windermere Foundation is donating $100 to YouthCare, a non-profit that provides support and services to homeless youth throughout the Puget Sound area.
Each night in Seattle, nearly 1,000 young people are homeless. And with the winter months quickly approaching, YouthCare is in dire need of survival supplies to keep homeless youth warm and dry during the long, wet winter.
Here’s what they need:
- Warm socks
- Hats
- Scarves
- Gloves/mittens
*New items only!
Please bring your donations to our office by November 14, 2016.
Thank you for your dedication to help others!
Our location: 100 116th Ave SE, Bellevue WA 98004